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Sample Training Program

A good program should start off on the basis of building a foundation. For me, my foundational movements include squat, deadlift, push up, pull up, plank, and a chop/lift variation. Although it doesn't seem glamorous, it helped to build the strength I have now. Improving those foundational movements then gave me the ability to vary and be creative with the exercises now. Now that I have my foundational movements on lock I am always reworking and refocusing on different exercises. I try to push myself every rep, every set, and keep a strict time on my rest breaks. Here is an example of what one strength training week looks like for me now.   DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3...

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My Whole30 journey was similar to being on a fun roller coaster. At first your nervous to get on the ride. Then the ride starts and your a little disoriented and your stomach drops. By the end your exhilarated from the ride and leave feeling like a little bit of a bad-ass.

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Health Strength and Beauty

Sunday morning I love visiting one of the many local coffee shops in my neighborhood to schedule my week out, program, and people watch. While programming I overheard a conversation at a nearby table between two moms. Honestly, I wasn’t paying much attention until I hear the words “fitness”, “workout”, and the all-time buzz phrase “new years resolution”. This is when my casual listening turned into full-on eavesdropping. My fitness radar was in full effect and I wasn’t the only one whose attention was sparked. One of their daughters started asking questions (I’ll call her Karen). The part if the conversation I eavesdropped...I mean overheard went a little something like this. Mom: Yes girl I definitely slacked. I am starting...

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